National Volunteer Week: Meet Disaster Action Team Volunteer Eli Chavez

Reflection by Eli Chavez

When I decided to join the Red Cross, I was driven by a desire to connect with like-minded people who shared my passion for making a difference in the world. Growing up, I wasn’t always drawn to volunteering opportunities and community service projects. As I got older, I became increasingly interested in humanitarian aid work and the ways in which it could positively impact people’s lives. However, it wasn’t until I joined the Red Cross that I truly felt I had found my tribe.

From the very first incident call, I was struck by the kindness and compassion of my fellow Red Cross volunteers. We came from all walks of life, with diverse backgrounds and experiences, but we shared a common goal: to help those in need.

Whether I’m responding to a house fire or installing smoke alarms in the community, there’s always this sense of camaraderie and teamwork among us. I feel like I’m part of something much bigger than myself, and that my actions are making a real difference in the world. Of course, the work of the Red Cross can be challenging and emotionally taxing at times. But the support and encouragement of my fellow volunteers helped me to stay positive and motivated. We celebrated our successes together and lifted each other up during difficult moments.

Through my experiences with the Red Cross, I have learned so much about myself and about the power of community service. I have seen firsthand how even the smallest acts of kindness and compassion can have a profound impact on someone’s life.

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