My Experience with the Red Cross: The Importance of Educating Underserved Communities

Reflection by Liz Griffith – Red Cross Home Fire Campaign Volunteer of Bridgeport, Connecticut

During my first few months on the Disaster Action Team, I witnessed families affected by trauma, including the loss of loved ones, being hospitalized or having witnessed the impact a hospitalization can bring upon other family members. In reflection on these experiences, I wanted to make a difference for these families and somehow provide support in preventing others from facing similar tragic experiences.

As a schoolteacher, I often reflected on how home fires affected children. As an educator in a classroom for young children, I saw the value in preparing my students for how best to cope when faced with traumatic experiences.  After gaining more experience with the Red Cross and other volunteer opportunities, I was introduced to the Prepare with Pedro initiative where I taught students coping skills and how best to stay safe during emergencies. Children were given materials to take home to share with their families. The best part was having them share their experiences and the benefits of what they learned.

My first experience at Sound the Alarm in May of 2022 was very memorable. I had the opportunity to support the events in Connecticut and Rhode Island where we would canvass neighborhoods, educate families and install free smoke alarms to all who needed them. It mattered to me that families would become safer, especially those that had no working alarms or any alarms at all.  I was happy to serve a diverse group of clients in communities with underserved populations like the elderly, the disabled, those in low-income housing and the immigrant community. I felt like I succeeded in educating those populations about home fire safety and helping them create functional fire escape plans.

It has been almost a year and a half since I joined the Red Cross and I still find joy in contributing my time with my community and supporting the Home Fire Campaign year-round. It puts a smile on my face when I am exposed to others who as I do, roll up their sleeves to make homes safer. Our team of very supportive and dedicated volunteers in both Connecticut and Rhode Island accomplished much success in preparing families for home fires because they now have a head start in getting out of their homes safely in two minutes or less.  With our coalition partners, donors and volunteers, we are working to help reduce death and injuries from home fires in our most vulnerable communities. A smoke alarm provides the early warning warranted to save lives.  I will continue to support this initiative because it truly inspires me to work alongside like-minded individuals who support this mission in neighborhoods that need it most.

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